About London Gas

London Gas is the official branch of Bristol Rovers Supporters Club for London. We meet monthly for drinks, although we vary the pub we meet at these days. The drinks start from 19:00 unless otherwise stated. We also arrange car shares, train trips etc to home and away games. Check the blog or email londongasheads@gmail.com to find out more or join the group. UTG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Take a Stand Against Greg Dyke's B Team Proposal

You've probably heard of the proposals by Greg Dyke, Chairman of the Football Association to introduce Premier League and Championship 'B Teams' into the football league pyramid via a new division between the current Football League Division Two and the Conference.

This will break up the football pyramid , will only benefit the Premier League teams and ruin a system that works.

The B teams league proposal is part of a 4 point plan

  • 10 Premier League B teams and 10 from the Conference would take part.
  • 20 of the 25 players in the squad should qualify for the home-grown rule.
  • No non-EU players allowed.
  • 19 of the 25 players in the squad should be under the age of 21.

Say no to B Teams. Sign the petition against the proposal.

May London Gas Drinks

Hi all, its obviously not been an enjoyable season, but why not head along to the forthcoming London Gas Drinks at the end of the month?

The drinks take place on 28th May from 19:00.

We'll be meeting at The White Hart in Barnes for a change. Its located right on the banks of the Thames near Barnes Bridge and serves a good range of beers as well as food.

Barnes Bridge is the closest rail station and there are also bus services from Hammersmith. Check TfLs Journey Planner to plan your journey.